About Our Organization

After numerous stints with other non-profits in Guatemala over the years we, a family spread across the US, decided in 2010 to begin Guatemala Housing Alliance. Incorporated in Washington State we received our 501(c)(3) determination in 2011 with the intention of focusing our efforts in the area of Lake Atitlán where we felt housing needs often went unaddressed. In this region systemic poverty is often made catastrophic by occasional earthquakes and frequent tropical storms which take their toll on homes and lives in massive mudslides along the de-forested slopes of the caldera.  Within Guatemala our organization operates as the Construyendo Alianzas (Building Alliances) because of the importance we place on integrating our mission with the work of other non-profits in the Lake Atitlán region.

The Officers of Guatemala Housing Alliance contribute their time without drawing salaries. In fact, if you have the opportunity to work on one of our houses, it's not unlikely that you'll find one of them on your crew.

GHA Program Director

GHA’s Program Director: Maria Madai Yojcom Cruz

Contact Us

Guatemala Housing Alliance
P.O. Box 131  
Bow, WA 98232
(360) 982-9329

Maria Madai Yojcom, Programs Director

San Juan La Laguna
Sololà, Guatemala

(502) 4133-9394